Copyright Transfer Agreement Ieee

When an author signs the IEEE copyright form, they transfer ownership of the copyright in the work to the IEEE. In other words, the IEEE becomes the owner of the document when the author signs, dates, and files an IEEE copyright form. For more information, see the frequently asked questions about e-copyright: Each contribution accepted at the conference must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. The copyright form should be completed and signed by an author, preferably the lead author. The signed IEEE copyright form should be sent to the following address: ghtC has enabled the IEEE eCopyright (ECF) EDAS function. With ECF, authors are redirected to an IEEE website and fill out the IEEE copyright form on the web. The ECF then reports the completion of the web form to the EDAS so that the author can download the form. Thus, authors do not need to manually print, fill out and download copyright forms. The copyright status of the author is largely determined by the type of employer for which the author works. The transfer of copyright is made by completing and submitting the IEEE copyright form to the conference.

Contributions are not printed without accompanying and duly completed copyright forms. If you send the form by e-mail, you must first print and sign the form or provide the form with an electronic version of your signature, and then scan it on the computer. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email Alternatively, IEEE copyright forms can be downloaded here in PDF format and should be downloaded as a separate document with your full paper deposit. The IEEE Publication Services & Products Board has approved revisions to the IEEE Guideline for Authors` Contributions (section 8.1.9 of the PSPB Operations Manual). . . .

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