Ending a Verbal Tenancy Agreement

As a renter, there may come a time when you need to end your tenancy agreement. It can be a stressful and confusing process, but it is important to handle it properly to avoid any legal or financial consequences. Here are some steps to take when ending a verbal tenancy agreement.

1. Review your agreement

Before you take any action, review your tenancy agreement thoroughly to ensure that you are within your rights to terminate it. If you do not have a written agreement, you may have a verbal agreement that outlines the terms of your tenancy. If this is the case, make sure you understand the terms of the agreement and what is required of you when terminating it.

2. Give proper notice

In most cases, you will need to give your landlord proper notice before ending your tenancy agreement. Typically, this is 30 days, but it may differ depending on your agreement. Make sure you give notice in writing and keep a copy of it for your records.

3. Clean and repair

Before you move out, thoroughly clean your unit and make any necessary repairs. This will help ensure that you receive your security deposit back. You may want to take photos of the unit before you leave as evidence of its condition.

4. Conduct a walkthrough

Schedule a walkthrough with your landlord to assess the condition of the unit after you have cleaned and repaired it. Make sure you both agree on the condition of the unit and any repairs that need to be made.

5. Return keys and address forwarding

Once you have vacated the unit and completed the walkthrough, return all keys to your landlord and provide them with a forwarding address for any future correspondence.

Ending a verbal tenancy agreement can be a complex process, but by following these steps, you can help ensure that you handle it properly. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with an attorney or your local tenancy board for guidance.

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